Thank you for this, it articulates things I have felt for ages but struggled to put into words. I am a sex coach and the amount of 'divine feminine'-talk in this space is off the charts! As you express - maybe if men were eagerly stepping into the 'worship your goddess' role in a respectful and nourishing way, it could be something to explore... but generally they are not (with some rare exceptions).

I do think there is some value in considering what 'divine feminine' business coaches have to say - turning away from the structures of aggressive capitalism and competition in business, which burns us out (whatever our gender - although women get the brunt of it with typically more care-giving and housework and life admin put on their shoulders too). But it goes way too far with what ethical marketeer Kelly Diels calls the 'Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand' - typically a White, slender, conventionally attractive woman with an instagram reel of aspirational shots implying great wealth, and promising if you follow her teachings about 'doing business in a feminine way' you'll get the same. But then using the same pressure selling tactics as other businesses.

As someone who's been in the sexual space for work for over 20 years, I actually think our energy is genderless. The more we can just be together as 'beings', the better.

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"stay bitter"

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