So true. I recently went over the people I follow on Instagram and did exactly this because I only wanna follow those who inspire me. The best is yet to come 💛

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I agree entirely with what you describe... with one slight caveat. When we follow everyone we disagree with or whose content doesn't make us feel great, we end up in a bubble of people who think like us. I feel it's beneficial now and then to get a reminder of how other people think - including the extreme opposites to us.

Now and then I have a browse deliberately of content from people with the opposite views to me and really try to empathise with what they are saying, try to imagine I feel the same. I have to do this when I am in a strong headspace and even so can be left feeling physically sick and upset. But it massively strengthens my resolve to keep pushing forward, to stay motivated, with my own mission in the world!

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